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Palfrey Infant School

Happy Children Aiming High


Child Protection

At Palfrey Infant School we take the Safeguarding of your child very seriously. Please share and discuss the guide below with your child, so they know who to speak to if they are worried. Together we can protect them. 


Thank you, Mrs Walsh (Headteacher & Designated Senior Teacher for Safeguarding)


Our safeguarding link governor is Mr James Ludlow.

Talk PANTS with Pantosaurus and his PANTS song #TalkPANTS

Meet Pantosaurus - our pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message.
Remember at Palfrey Infants we refer to 'Private Parts' in order to share the same terminology with the children.

Speak out. Stay safe. | NSPCC

Our Speak out Stay safe programme gives children the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect. We teach children aged 5-11 learn this essential safeguarding information in a lively, interactive and memorable way. By the end of our visit we know pupils feel empowered and can speak out and stay safe.

What is contextual safeguarding?

Contextual safeguarding looks at how we can best understand these risks, engage with children and young people and help to keep them safe. It's an approach that's often been used to apply to adolescents, though the lessons can equally be applied to younger children, especially in today's changing world.


What are examples of contextual safeguarding?

This list isn't exhaustive but includes:

  • child on child and relationship abuse.
  • criminal/ sexual exploitation/ online abuse.
  • missing episodes.
  • risks associated with gangs.
  • risks associated with radicalisation.
  • safeguarding risks in public spaces.
  • trafficking and modern slavery.



We use Street Teams to discuss online safety , CSE , gangs and radicalisation

We follow the NSPCC Speak Out / Stay Safe resources across Key Stage 1.


Through working with parents and families we try to support and reduce the likelihood of these impacting our children in the future.

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