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Palfrey Infant School

Happy Children Aiming High


Reporting Illness



    Pupils do get  illnesses and you need to report this to school in the usual way through phoning the school office. (01922 720713) We can then advise you. We record all reasons for school absence as part of our monitoring school attendance. We try to encourage pupils to attend and remain in school once again.


    Minor illnesses coughs and colds do not require pupils to remain at home.  Use your local Larvic Pharmacy , Milton Street , they are great for advice! Work with us to try to encourage good attendance. 



    • Vomiting: pupils may return 48 hours after as long as they are well. 
    • Rashes/ unknown spots etc : Consult the pharmacist or out of hours surgery for advice. We will then inform you of school requirements.
    • Tiredness: Children need to be in school this would be recorded as unauthorised better to come in slightly later than not at all. Please ensure regular bedtime routines are in place.
    • Conjunctivitis: (Sticky Eyes) : Consult pharmacist for drops , child can attend school once drops have been administered.
    • Crying and upset: Whilst we understand it is hard when  you see your child is upset this is not a reason for absence. Please bring them to school and we will work with you. We do not want children to think not being at school is the norm.



    • The World Health Organisation has now downgraded the Covid risk. Pupils CAN attend school as long as they are feeling well with a cough etc. 
    • We report any recorded illness as part of our absence procedure and will be monitoring any surges in illness in classes.
    • Your child MAY attend school if they are feeling well enough, we suggest Calpol or similar and the staff with assess if the child is struggling in school. Please do not keep your child off school when they can be learning. 


    Be mindful of key Covid symptoms in small children

    • A new continuous cough
    • Fever 37.8
    • Loss of or change of sense of taste
    • Loss of  or change in normal sense of smell
    • vomiting (48 hour rule & PCR)
    • over tiredness
    • aching limbs
    • runny nose
    • Diarrhoea (48 hour rule and PCR)


    Thank you for your support 


    We will always call if your child comes to school ad we feel they need to go home to rest. 

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